Welcome from Pastor Heller
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! For over 80 years Calvary Lutheran Church has been blessed by our Savior, Jesus Christ. We thank Him for His goodness and mercy that He has shown to the members and guests who have worshiped and learned about His love for us during these years. Faithfully, the pastors who have served at Calvary have taught the Word of God and administered the Sacraments. We give thanks for these servants of God who led many people to a closer relationship with the Lord.
We continue to carry on what God has begun at Calvary over 80 years ago. We will be faithful to His Word and share God's love with the members and guests who participate in worship, Christian Education, and other events that encourage people in their faith in Jesus. We look forward to praising God from Whom all blessings flow!
We continue to carry on what God has begun at Calvary over 80 years ago. We will be faithful to His Word and share God's love with the members and guests who participate in worship, Christian Education, and other events that encourage people in their faith in Jesus. We look forward to praising God from Whom all blessings flow!
Prayer Chain Ministry
Calvary's Prayer Warriors are happy to lift your petitions in prayer to the Lord. Please submit your request using the form below. All requests remain confidential. May God bless you today.
Church Library
Calvary has a comprehensive church library with nonfiction books on a variety of topics and a broad collection of Christian fiction. We also have an extensive DVD collection and an assortment of children's book for young readers. Please click here to view our library catalog. Items may be signed out for two weeks.